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Wounded Healer

  • Price:
    $ 15.00
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    Postal (Domestic Shipping)
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Product details

Preface The Wounded Healer is a philosophical, thought-provoking written experience that sees the world as a puzzle and masterpiece to be displayed on Life’s Tapestry. The writings of Earl Greene are uniquely timeless in the essence of metaphorical and emotional development. Each poem is a symbol of life experience, love, struggle, faith, development, empowerment, nature, and wisdom. Some of the works of literature are profoundly dedicated to aiding the reader through difficult times through happenings and feelings that are conjured through the spirit of surreal experiences. Earl Greene considers himself a Wounded Healer. Healers are sought after everywhere to cure many illnesses and ailments. Whether it be heartbreaks, depression, loss, deceit, or mentorship… However, who heals the Healer, and when does the healer rest? A Healer always giving of his spirit, wisdom and provides remedies yet, seldom is the Healer compensated for those aided or actions taken. Earl has put his life in the hands of servicing others' needs as a vessel of hope and beacon of love and light. Truly to understand a man, one must understand himself.

About seller

  30 Days 90 Days 300 Days
Completed Transactions 0 0 0
Average days to ship -- -- --
Repeat buyers 0 0 0

About seller

Completed transactions
30 Days 90 Days 300 Days
0 0 0
Average days to ship
30 Days 90 Days 300 Days
-- -- --
Repeat Buyers
30 Days 90 Days 300 Days
0 0 0